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In Data We TrustOverlay E-Book Reader

In Data We Trust

How Customer Data is Revolutionising Our Economy

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Auf die Merkliste

Veröffentlicht 2012, von Bjorn Bloching, Lars Luck, Thomas Ramge bei Bloomsbury Publishing

ISBN: 978-1-4081-7953-6
224 Seiten

Kurztext / Annotation
Is it really possible for credit card companies to predict a divorce long before the couple in question know the end is nigh? Absolutely. All the information the companies need is already at their fingertips. The days of marketing professionals relying on 'gut feeling' are long gone, and intelligently analysed data streams make forecasting customer behaviour straightforward. As businesses all over the world fight hard and long for customer spend, it's the ones who transform data into smart data that will win the day, as data-crunch pioneers such as Google, Amazon and WalMart have shown. Written by a team of experienced marketing experts this enlightening book describes the revolutionary change in the marketing environment in recent years, provides fascinating case studies and gives indispensable advice on smart use of customer data. It is an essential read not only for every marketing professional but everyone wondering what happens to their personal information once it's 'out there'.

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Unterstützte Lesegerätegruppen: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet

Über Bjorn Bloching, Lars Luck, Thomas Ramge

Lars Luck ist Partner bei Roland Berger Strategy Consultants und leitet dort die Practice Group "Market Attack". Seit über zehn Jahren berät er als Unternehmensberater Weltmarktführer und Mittelständler.