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Auf die Merkliste

Veröffentlicht 2018, von William Collins Donahue, Georg Mein, Rolf Parr bei transcript

ISBN: 978-3-8376-4393-0
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Reihe: andererseits - Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies
288 Seiten
8 SW-Abbildungen
22.5 cm x 14.8 cm

andererseits is a collaborative project undertaken by students and faculties of universities in the USA (Duke and the University of Notre Dame), in Luxembourg (University of Luxembourg), and in Germany (University of Duisburg-Essen). It provides a forum for research and reflection on topics related to the German-speaking world and the field of German Studies. Works presented in the publication ...
andererseits is a collaborative project undertaken by students and faculties of universities in the USA (Duke and the University of Notre Dame), in Luxembourg (University of Luxembourg), and in Germany (University of Duisburg-Essen). It provides a forum for research and reflection on topics related to the German-speaking world and the field of German Studies. Works presented in the publication come from a wide variety of genres including book reviews, poetry, essays, editorials, forum discussions, academic notes, lectures, as well as traditional peer-reviewed academic articles. By publishing such a diverse array of material, we hope to demonstrate the extraordinary value of the humanities in general, and German Studies in particular, on a variety of intellectual and cultural levels.
This edition features contributions by Carsten Dutt, Klaus Modick, Tanja Nusser, Thomas Pfau, Margarethe von Trotta, and others.

Über William Collins Donahue

William Collins Donahue (Prof. Dr.) teaches courses in the humanities, on German literature and film, and on European Studies at the University of Notre Dame, IN.

Über Georg Mein

Georg Mein (Prof. Dr.) teaches in the fields of contemporary German literary studies, cultural- and media studies at the Université du Luxembourg.

Über Rolf Parr

Rolf Parr is professor emeritus of German literature and media studies at the Universität Duisburg-Essen.