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Auf die Merkliste

Veröffentlicht 2020, von Henry James bei Glagoslav Publications (NC)

ISBN: 978-1-78422-193-5
260 Seiten

Kurztext / Annotation

Washington Square is a short novel by Henry James.It is a structurally simple tragicomedy that recounts the conflict between a dull but sweet daughter and her brilliant, unemotional father. The plot of the novel is based upon a true story told to James by his close friend, British actress Fanny Kemble. The book is often compared with Jane Austen's work for the clarity and grace of its prose and its intense focus on family relationships. James was not a great fan of Washington Square. He tried to read it over for inclusion in the New York Edition of his fiction but found that he could not, so the novel was not included. Readers, though, have sufficiently enjoyed the book to make it one of the more popular of James's works. Indeed, and has since been used in schools all over the world.

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