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The Ancient Chinese Art of Finding Peace and Fulfilment

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Auf die Merkliste

Veröffentlicht 2022, von Yen Ooi bei Welbeck Publishing Group, Welbeck

ISBN: 978-1-78739-822-1
190 Seiten
40 illus
24 mm x 134 mm

A beautiful look at the Ancient Chinese philosophy of Rén and how it can help us with our hectic modern lives.The Chinese character for Rén _ combines the word for 'person' _and the number 'two' _, representing human connection. And in the teachings of ancient philosopher Confucius, Rén is the study of our relationship with those around us.In this accessible and beautiful book, Yen Ooi ...
Kurztext / Annotation

This practical and remarkable book is essential for anyone feeling lost in the modern world.

A book explaining and exploring the Ancient Chinese philosophy of Rén and its positive message of compassion and kindness, and showing how we can apply this thinking to help us with our hectic modern lives.


A beautiful look at the Ancient Chinese philosophy of Rén and how it can help us with our hectic modern lives.

The Chinese character for Rén _ combines the word for 'person' _and the number 'two' _, representing human connection. And in the teachings of ancient philosopher Confucius, Rén is the study of our relationship with those around us.

In this accessible and beautiful book, Yen Ooi explains the various facets of Rén and explores how this philosophy applies to everything from our relationship with ourselves and the people in our lives, to how we relate to society and the wider world.

She shows us how, using the basic principles of Rén and through simple changes to our lives, we can connect better with friends, family and colleagues, become helpful members of society and find fulfilment in ideas of community, justice, morality and compassion.

Über Yen Ooi

<b>Yen Ooi</b> is a writer-researcher who explores East and Southeast Asian culture, identity and values. Her projects aim to cultivate cultural engagement in our modern, technology-driven lives. She is a PhD candidate at Royal Holloway, University of London. She writes fiction, non-fiction, poetry and computer games. www.yenooi.com