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Challenges of Disaster Planning, Management, and ResilienceOverlay E-Book Reader

Challenges of Disaster Planning, Management, and Resilience

Challenges of Disaster Planning, Management, and ResilienceOverlay E-Book Reader
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Veröffentlicht 2023, von Michail Chalaris bei Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

ISBN: 9798886975338
Reihe: Natural Disaster Research, Prediction and Mitigation
587 Seiten

Major disasters, both natural and man-made, have led to an increased need to improve the effectiveness of existing prevention, mitigation, and response capabilities. The types of disasters that many countries face depend to some extent on their geography and climate, and as a result, they have built different response strategies. There is evidence of a growing vulnerability to disasters as the ...
Major disasters, both natural and man-made, have led to an increased need to improve the effectiveness of existing prevention, mitigation, and response capabilities. The types of disasters that many countries face depend to some extent on their geography and climate, and as a result, they have built different response strategies. There is evidence of a growing vulnerability to disasters as the worsening conditions of climate change may increase the destruction of human life, ecosystems, and infrastructures. This book aims to explore and analyze different approaches and practices in dealing with both traditional and novel forms of resilience and crisis and suggest a way forward for science based on correct decision-making at different levels.