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The 7 Portals of the Spirit

The 7 Portals of the Spirit

The secret wisdom beyond our traditional dogmas

The 7 Portals of the Spirit
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Auf die Merkliste

Veröffentlicht 2013, von Charles F. Akron bei Akron, Akron Edition GmbH

ISBN: 978-3-905372-37-3
Auflage: 1. Auflage
216 Seiten
21 cm x 15 cm
ab 18 Jahre

Dreamer: Last question: What about the life after death?
Warden: Death is completely irrelevant. It only concerns the ego and the ego is only a little feather on the wing of the great eagle and if it falls out, another one grows to replace it already, and the whole procedure has hardly any influence on the flight.
Dreamer: What is left from our dreams?
Warden: They flow back into the eye of ...
Dreamer: Last question: What about the life after death?
Warden: Death is completely irrelevant. It only concerns the ego and the ego is only a little feather on the wing of the great eagle and if it falls out, another one grows to replace it already, and the whole procedure has hardly any influence on the flight.
Dreamer: What is left from our dreams?
Warden: They flow back into the eye of eternity, when the last individual awakens at the end of the journey and interrupts the chain. Then, namely if the matured soul leaves the protecting shell of the ego begins to flow apart together with the divine forces of creation, which resemble the primal sources and is only but a glance in the eye of eternity for mankind.
Dreamer: Therefore the human being has no true freedom?
Warden: It possesses much more: The illusion of its own world. he doesn`t know that what he intends to do is in accordance with that what he will actually do in the end anyway.
Dreamer: And where are we going on this journey?
Warden: In all directions simultaneously. The sum of all saved experiences and memories is the driving force of fate, shich is chasing everything and keeping it in motion or - the other way around: the "future" memory is that what is operationg in the presence and is forming the past, in order to make the human individual "intend" the correct time-sphere of here and now.