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China the Super Predator

China the Super Predator

A Challenge for the Planet

China the Super Predator
Taschenbuch 21,50
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Auf die Merkliste

Veröffentlicht 2024, von Pierre-Antoine Donnet bei Durnell Wiley, Changemakers Books

ISBN: 978-1-80341-416-4
304 Seiten
20 mm x 140 mm

China is facing tremendous economic, social and political challenges, as well as having become a predominant contributor to climate change. It has also become a predator against the Uyghurs, the Tibetans, and the Mongols, and taken over Hong Kong, silencing any forms of dissent. It increasingly appears that one of the Communist regime’s main goals is to control the entire world, but this global ...
Kurztext / Annotation
Today's main threat to the democratic world...

China is facing tremendous economic, social and political challenges, as well as having become a predominant contributor to climate change. It has also become a predator against the Uyghurs, the Tibetans, and the Mongols, and taken over Hong Kong, silencing any forms of dissent. It increasingly appears that one of the Communist regime’s main goals is to control the entire world, but this global ambition now faces mounting geopolitical difficulties. At the center stands Taiwan, which has become a full-blown democracy and, perhaps, a model for the entire Chinese nation. The United States - along with Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, and other states - are, more than ever before, willing to defend Taiwan. The possibility of a clash is real, making China along with Russia the main threat to the democratic world.