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Introduction to Global Tectonic System

Introduction to Global Tectonic System

Introduction to Global Tectonic System
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Auf die Merkliste

Veröffentlicht 2023, von Yuzhu Kang bei Springer, Berlin, Springer Nature Singapore, China Petrochemical Press Co., Ltd., Springer

ISBN: 978-981-194-241-9
Auflage: 1st ed. 2023
Approx. 170 p. 42 illus.
235 mm x 155 mm

This book analyzes and studies a large number of geological data in the world, divides the world into eight types of structural systems for the first time, puts forward the evolution characteristics of each structural system, discusses the main controlling factors of the formation of structural systems, and points out that there was no regional metamorphism in the global Paleozoic and some areas ...
This book analyzes and studies a large number of geological data in the world, divides the world into eight types of structural systems for the first time, puts forward the evolution characteristics of each structural system, discusses the main controlling factors of the formation of structural systems, and points out that there was no regional metamorphism in the global Paleozoic and some areas of the meso Neoproterozoic. These innovative theoretical understandings not only fill in the gap of global tectonic system but also enrich and develop the theory of global geological science. 

Über Yuzhu Kang

Yuzhu Kang, academician of Chinese Academy of engineering, famous petroleum geologist, petroleum explorer and oil and gas development strategist, is the pioneer of Chinese Paleozoic marine oil and gas exploration and the founder of Chinese Paleozoic marine oil formation theory. He presided over the discovery of Tahe Oilfield and 20 oil and gas fields in Xinjiang. He won many national, provincial, and ministerial level awards, e.g., the second prize of national science and technology progress award, the Li Siguang Geological Science Award, and the He LiangHe Li Regional Innovation Award.