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A Bunch of White Boys from the SticksOverlay E-Book Reader

A Bunch of White Boys from the Sticks

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Veröffentlicht 2022, von Galen B. Conrardy bei Conrardy-story Books

ISBN: 978-1-08-790849-6
Auflage: 1. Auflage
146 Seiten

Über Galen B. Conrardy

At the end of two weeks of strenuous practices, the coach convened a meeting with the senior players to discuss goals for the upcoming season. When asked, they unanimously answered: Win League and make it to State! It wouldn't be easy. Leadership from the seniors and teamwork would be essential. And practice; lots of dedicated practice. And above all, "We play one game at a time." ---===--- In 1976, a small high school in a rural Kansas town finally made it to the state basketball championships. And won.