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Rise and Noise

Rise and Noise

From Misty Poetry (Menglongshi) to the Third-Generation (Disandai) Poets

Rise and Noise
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Auf die Merkliste

Veröffentlicht 2021, von Jilin Sun bei OSTASIEN Verlag, Guoji wenhua chubanshe

ISBN: 978-3-940527-03-5
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Reihe: Deutsche Ostasienstudien
XII, 347 Seiten
23 cm x 15 cm

As a witness of and participant in the tides of Misty Poetry and Third-Generation poetry, the author takes a comparative perspective on the development of poetics in contemporary China. This book presents a comprehensive, systematic, and in-depth investigation of the two forms of avant-garde poetry in contemporary China, namely Misty Poetry (Menglong shi) and Third-Generation Poetry (Di Sandai ...
As a witness of and participant in the tides of Misty Poetry and Third-Generation poetry, the author takes a comparative perspective on the development of poetics in contemporary China. This book presents a comprehensive, systematic, and in-depth investigation of the two forms of avant-garde poetry in contemporary China, namely Misty Poetry (Menglong shi) and Third-Generation Poetry (Di Sandai shi). It describes the origin and evolution of Misty Poetry and the Third-Generation poetry in relation to the bigger picture of the new poetry tide, literary creation, poetics, and ideological features in contemporary China. This book is composed of three parts. Part I, “Context and Process”, outlines the major events and poets in the development of new poetry with reference to the special political, social, and historical context of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s in China. Part II, “Misty Poetry”, elaborates on such issues as the rhetorical and ideological features, writing patterns and modernity regarding Misty Poetry. Part III, “Third-Generation Poetics”, analyzes such aspects of the Third-Generation poems as their overall characteristics, subjective awareness, and the post-modern turn.

Über Jilin Sun

Sun Jilin is Professor of Chinese Language and Literature at the School of Culture and Communication, Shandong University, Weihai, China. His research interests mainly lie in Chinese contemporary literature and poetics, particularly modern Chinese cultural thoughts and avant-garde poetry. Lately he has been devoted to the research on poetic narratology. He has been Director of the Research Institute of Chinese Contemporary Literature of Shandong University as well as Director of the Research Center of Chinese Contemporary Poetry. He participated in the organization of the Cloud and Sail Poetry Association and witnessed the development of Chinese contemporary poetry from Misty Poetry to the Third-Generation poetry. He is a representative figure in the review of and the theoretical research on the Third-Generation poetry. His representative works include On the New Poetry Tide (1991), A Wandering Life: Zhu Xiang (1998), Inherent Eyes (2001), Rise and Noise: From Misty Poetry to the Third-Generation (2004), and Contemporary Poetry: Narration and Comments (2015), among others.

Cui Ying translated Part II and III of the book. She received her PhD from the City University of Hong Kong. She was a visiting scholar at Cornell University. She is Professor at the School of Translation Studies, Shandong University, Weihai, China. Her major research interests include translation, poetics, and linguistics, particularly advertisement translation and cognitive poetics. She has published papers in various journals such as Babel: International Journal for Translation, Perspectives: Studies in Translatology and JoSTrans: The Journal of Specialised Translation.

Huang Xiuguo translated Part I of the book. She is Associate Professor of American Literature at Shandong University, Weihai. She received her PhD from Fudan University. She is a member of the Translators’ Association of China. She has published the following books: From Community to Society: an Analysis of the Humanism in Snopes Trilogy (2018) and All-in-one English Handbook for Going Abroad (2007). Her other publications include “A Review of the Comparative Study of Mo Yan and Faulkner in China” and “From Gemeinschaft to Gesellschaft: The Social Transformation as Reflected in The Hamlet”.