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Majestic Rainbow LoveOverlay E-Book Reader

Majestic Rainbow Love

Your Sacred Initiatory To Return As The Divine Child

Majestic Rainbow LoveOverlay E-Book Reader
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Veröffentlicht 2022, von Simone Shivon bei Majestic Rainbow Publishing

ISBN: 9798986191621
Auflage: 1. Auflage
312 Seiten

Über Simone Shivon

Simone Shivon is a Medicine Woman, Author, and Artist whose awakening and gifts of the Majestic Rainbow Love frequency came to her unexpectedly and have led her on a sacred pilgrimage around the world to sit in the presence of many great wisdom keepers. Through her own communion with the divine, she was initiated in 2014 and ordained with a mission to share this sacred initiatory philosophy to assist others on their return as The Divine Child.After a decade of navigating and working within the wisdom of the Majestic Rainbow Love frequency, the divine miracles she experienced have taught her how to create a divine life beyond her imagination and assist others in doing so for themselves. She is passionate and dedicated to sharing this sacred philosophical way of living and ultimately to co-create the vision of CUES, or Create United Eternal Sanctuary, with the divine. Simone Shivon has created a range of powerful alchemical healing tools including alchemical potions and divine ciphers' oracles. To learn more, visit simoneshivon.com