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Whispered MemoriesOverlay E-Book Reader

Whispered Memories

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Veröffentlicht 2016, von Nicola Avery bei Nicola Avery

ISBN: 978-1-911195-26-9
Auflage: 1. Auflage
304 Seiten

Über Nicola Avery

With an artist and writer for a father and ballet dancer for mother, Nicola was destined to go back to her creative roots. Having spent a decade in Australia, she returned to her birthplace, Surrey, to raise her family. Fascinated with the concept that she'd lived before, she studied and qualified as hypnotherapist and past-life therapist. Whispered Memories, her debut novel, is filled with insights from her experiences in hypnotherapy and was written for all those, who ask the question: 'Why me?'. Calling herself a prolific scribbler, Nicola is currently working on her second novel, Step In.