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Islamic leaders, their biographies and accomplishments : From Muhammad to the presentOverlay E-Book Reader

Islamic leaders, their biographies and accomplishments : From Muhammad to the present

From Muhammad to the present

Islamic leaders, their biographies and accomplishments : From Muhammad to the presentOverlay E-Book Reader
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Veröffentlicht 2012, von Saul Silas Fathi bei Saul Silas Fathi

ISBN: 978-1-62620-376-1
464 Seiten

"In less than a century after Muhammad's death, Islam swept through Asia, Africa and Europe, dominating an area larger than that of the Roman Empire at its peak. This book represents 3.5 years of efforts, researching and editing hundreds of books and Internet sources, resulting in an authoritative biography of 420+ Islamic and Arab leaders, during the past 1,500 ...
"In less than a century after Muhammad's death, Islam swept through Asia, Africa and Europe, dominating an area larger than that of the Roman Empire at its peak. This book represents 3.5 years of efforts, researching and editing hundreds of books and Internet sources, resulting in an authoritative biography of 420+ Islamic and Arab leaders, during the past 1,500 years.”