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The Eyes That Swallowed the Midday SunOverlay E-Book Reader

The Eyes That Swallowed the Midday Sun

The Eyes That Swallowed the Midday SunOverlay E-Book Reader
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Auf die Merkliste

Veröffentlicht 2022, von C.L. Brown bei Shadow Leaf Press

ISBN: 978-1-73503-111-8
Auflage: 1. Auflage
298 Seiten

Über C.L. Brown

A writer, thinker, poet, and mentor, C.L. Brown was born and raised on the island of Jamaica. He immigrated to the United States at age eleven. As conveyed in his work, Brown is profoundly inspired by the very essence of life. His work has garnered him much acclaim for his poetic style and accent-rich delivery. In the words of American Actress, Kimberly Elise, Brown is "changing the world one brilliant and authentic poetic word at a time."He's authored several poetry collections including Bare, and Loud Whispers of Silent Souls. Residing in Miami, Brown enjoys gardening and spending time with his life partner and daughters, Luna Marverly and Sunday Sky.